A Closer Look at Joshua.

I'm not sure exactly what world Joshua lives in, but he is definitely in a world of his own, marching to the beat of a drum only he can hear. I never know what he is going to be wearing next, or what creative game he will be playing. Whether he is wearing a lab coat, a monkey suit, a monk's robe or his "explorer" garb, I always know he is having fun. The following pictures were all taken in the last few months (since Christmas):
Josh was thrilled with the lab coat and tools he got for Christmas.
The better to play "mad scientist" with, I guess.

Josh the Explorer warms his hands over a campfire.
Josh the monkey has a chat with his friend Buzz Lightyear.
Even when just dressing for school, Josh definitely has a certain style.


  1. I do think he and Nathanael would get along GREAT. I'm finding all sorts of interesting situations based in Nathanael's world...


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