The 2014 Hiatt Kidz Calendar

Every year, we make a calendar. This started the first year Steven and I were married and I was working at Kinkos. That year, just Steven got the calendar, which featured pictures of us: in high school, our engagement pictures, wedding pictures and honeymoon pictures. The following year, the calendar featured Hannah, starting a tradition of having the kids be the focus of the calendar. We gave the calendars to the grandparents for Christmas, and gradually expanded that to a few select others who also expressed a desire to have them. Here are this year's calendar pictures. (To download a printable pdf file of the entire calendar, you can click here .) The building in the picture is a really cool building nearby where my boys have had their cub scout day camps. Here, the kids are in John's closet, not exactly under the stairs, but still cramped when all four of them are in there. I borrowed the poster online somewhere. I love it because it looks like the characters are l...