Dog Sitting

Last week we got to dog sit for a friend of mine, who went on a three day vacation with her family, leaving a 7 month old puppy behind. We didn't think it a good idea to watch him at our home - our house isn't dog-proofed, and the hyper puppy would have terrorized our poor cats. Instead we went over to his house three times a day to clean up his cage and walk the dog.

Have you ever tried to walk a dog who didn't want to be walked? As energetic as this puppy was, he was more interested in investigating an interesting smell in the grass, or selecting the perfect stick or pine cone to gnaw on than in walking. Maybe he was just watching another dog. Maybe he just wanted to roll in the grass in the shade for a little while. But one thing is certain... unless he was chasing a ball, or even better - a rabbit or a flock of birds, or maybe coming for a treat, this dog wasn't terribly interested in walking. I think he was lonely, missing his family, bored of being in his caged off area at home, and so was enjoying being out and being able to look and smell and play.

I was happy to help out my friend. At the same time, I was reminded that I am really more of a cat person. Cats don't have to be walked.


  1. That looks like my dog. My dog doesn't like to be walked either. I stopped trying to walk him and we just play fetch and tag instead. He gets the exercise he needs, and is much happier.


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