Abra Cadaver!

 Last night, Peter performed in Northglenn High School's one acts, in a show entitled "Abra Cadaver." He played the part of Jack Marsh, a man with a heart condition who pops pills like m&ms and washes them down with alcohol. His sister-in-law has convinced him to help murder his wife, her sister, via a magic act. The plan is: at a masquerade party he would convince his wife to step into a box, into which they would insert knives, thus resulting in an unfortunate "accident". Clues start appearing however that show that not everything is as it seems. By the end, Peter has enacted his own death - twice!

You can view the program, with Peter's bio here.

Scene 1: Jack and his sister-in-law, plotting

Scene 3: Jack and his lawyer, lamenting the deaths of his wife and her sister 

After the show, Jack in disguise


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