A Quick Visit

My parents finally made it here around 2:30 yesterday afternoon, (only about 26 hours after they had originally planned to be here...) and we loved having them here! The kids did their best to keep them entertained. Hannah played her viola for them. John played the piano and let them help him with his puzzle a little. Josh cuddled up in a blanket next to them and enjoyed their company. Peter told them jokes and drew pictures for them.

We had scouts and young women that we had to go to last night, so we ended up leaving Peter alone with Grandma and Grandpa for a couple hours. He loved that! They watched a movie and I think Grandma let him play on her ipad for a little while  (a novelty, since no one in our home owns a touch screen device.)

This morning mom and dad got up early and left here at 7am on their way to one of my sisters home in Missouri,  the next stop on their trip to Nauvoo. It was a super quick visit, but it was wonderful to catch up with them!
Peter likes to write messages using our incomplete set of letter magnets.


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