Preparing for General Conference

A very exciting event is coming up next weekend. We get to hear a prophet of God speak to us. We also get to hear the words of Apostles and other great men and women who have been called of God in these latter days. It is truly exciting!

A couple years ago, in order to help my children to prepare for General Conference, I created cards with the pictures of the prophet and his counselors, as well as each of the twelve apostles. Separate cards had their names printed on them. We have used these cards to play memory match games, Go Fish, or just used them to become familiar with the names and faces of these men who have been called of God. I thought I would share them with you. (Clicking on the pictures below should bring you to a pdf file that you can print full size.)

 Most of these pictures have the name printed in tiny print below them, which is great when you are just starting out. If you want the pictures without the names, click here.

There are a lot of other resources on the LDS web site to help children get more out of General Conference. There is a conference packet you can print out with activities for the children to do while they are listening, a bingo game (My children love these, and we always make sure we have candies or something that they can mark the squares with.), and various coloring pages. On this site, there are also online matching games for past prophets, and a game similar to the one I created above, with the current prophet and apostles.

I'm looking forward to General Conference, and I hope that my children will see how important it is to me to hear the words that God wants me to hear right now.  I love when my children are watching Conference and recognize the speaker: "Hey, that's Dieter F Uchdorf!" (He's one of Peter's favorites, maybe because Dieter sounds so much like Peter?)


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