Lindy and Thom Come to Visit

They're here! Lindy and Thom are here in my house at this very minute! Lindy was commenting on how this is the first time she has seen our home, and we've lived here for six years now... I say it's about time!

Yesterday, of course, was spent getting ready for them. I had to clean out the kids' rooms. (No I didn't use a shovel on Hannah's room, although I was tempted to.) I filled up a huge trash bag with all the scraps and candy wrappers and junk that was in their rooms. I saved anything that looked like time and effort had been put into crafting - like Hannah's cereal box doll house and felt dolls, and clothing for those felt dolls. Surprisingly, Hannah's crafts fit into one cardboard box! I was able to clean out her closet and under her bed and it only took me an hour or so! The boys room had been cleaned out more recently so that took less time, but I still felt exhausted by the time I had finished, and moved Peter's bed into Hannah's room temporarily. Now I wonder how long it will stay clean. I'm thinking I should take pictures of the kids' rooms every day and track how long it takes to go from "clean" to "disaster area". I estimate a week.

I am excited to get to see "Wicked" tonight. I think I'll have a babysitter. Hopefully. April called yesterday and offered to come if her doctor gives her the okay at her appointment today. But considering she is nine days away from her due date, we thought it wise to have a back up for just in case. A sister in our ward has agreed to be our back up... but she can't get here as early as we wanted to leave and she would have to miss out on a soccer game that she would like to play in. But she is willing to help out if we need her. I kind of feel guilty either way- whether April has to drive out 1 1/2 hours, when she could go into labor any time, or if I have to pull the sister in our ward away from her soccer game. But I didn't want to ask a teenager who would have to get up for seminary in the morning either. I hate finding babysitters. I'm looking forward to when Hannah is old enough to babysit. She is getting close; just another year or two.

I found out soon after Lindy arrived that I forgot to tell her about the cats, and she is allergic. I feel so bad! I hope the allergy medicine she took shortly after her arrival works.


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