Hannah Graduated From Elementary School!

She did it! Yesterday was Hannah's last day of Elementary School. Next year she starts 6th grade at the intermediate school.
Hannah's first day of school Aug 2005
She has done really well through out these early school years. Five years ago she started school. She was almost six years old because they hadn't let her start school the year before because her birthday was one day after the cut off. I taught her at home, and so when she started kindergarten, she was only there for a week before school authorities were so impressed by stories she had written that they decided to promote her to first grade.

Since then she has excelled in every grade. This year she was on the honor roll every trimester, earning all A's except for one B in the entire year. She is still impressing teachers with her writing, and even received a medal for her writing this year. Great job Hannah!!!
Hannah's last day of elementary school May 2010


  1. Yikes, a blink of an eye I tell ya!

  2. wow! I can't believe it! Congrats Hannah!

  3. I cannot believe she is going to middle school!!!!! How exciting!!! How close is the middle school to the elementary??? Are you going to drive to both schools?

  4. There is a middle school about a mile from the elementary school, and pretty close to us, but because I have heard nothing good about that school, we chose to put her in a different one. The middle school Hannah will go to is a few miles away. Because the school she was supposed to go to has scored really low on state testing, the school district will bus students to the better schools from the low performing one.


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