
Yes, I am aware that I am WAY overdue for an update... but it is summer. I have to compete for computer time just like everyone else in the family. Anyway, here's what has been going on:
July 4th: We went to Colorado Springs to spend the day with Daniel, April, Heather and their families. While there we went to a water park where the kids had a lot of fun.

After the water park and dinner we watched fireworks and returned home. It was great to be able to visit with family as we celebrated this wonderful country we live in.

July 14th & 15th: My sister Lindy and her family (all nine of them!) visited with us overnight on their way home from their vacation across the country. It was a lot of fun having them all here, and letting the cousins get reacquainted. We set up our tent in the playroom (back patio) for the girls to sleep in. One of her boys slept in the boys bedroom, and the rest slept in the living room. I didn't take pictures while they were here, but Lindy was documenting their trip and the pictures she took are here.

John's Birthday: Monday was John's 10th birthday. We celebrated a day early, when April and Dean were visiting with us, before they took Hannah back to Colorado Springs with them. It was fun having them visit, although John complained that his actual birthday didn't seem much like a birthday since the celebration had been the day before.

John's friend gave him a Spongebob DVD.
Hannah bought and decorated this shirt for John

24 hours later, John had already finished this 500+ page book!

The rest of the summer has passed quickly. It is hard to believe it is already half over. Here are some more pictures of what we've been doing:
We created a family tree on the wall of our dining room. 

The Legos have gotten a lot of play time.

Hannah has spent a lot of time reading.

Peter plays with his toys and stuffed friends.

John has been fortunate enough to start piano lessons with a sister in our ward, and he practices all the time. His teacher has been impressed by his dedication and how fast he is flying through his books!

 We've also been swimming frequently, and we've gone to the library every week to replenish our supply of books to read and movies to watch. 


  1. I'm impressed at the piano playing with the pirate patch :) Benjamin just started piano, too, and he also loves anything by Rick Riordan. Has John read the Kane Chronicles, too?


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