Can You Guess?

I have a new favorite book! I actually first read it about ten years or so ago, but I read it again this last week, and really enjoyed it. It is about a kind of super hero. He rescues people who are in danger and sneaks them to safety. He has a secret identity, so while everyone knows what he does, no one knows who he is - not even his wife! He doesn't have super powers or magic or anything except for his wits, his friends, his daring and a lot of money. (No, he's not batman.) Most of the story is told from the point of view of his wife, as she discovers who he is and struggles with difficulties of her own. The setting of this story is the French Revolution, and the book was written a little over 100 years ago.

Does anyone know what book I'm talking about? Has anyone else read it? If so, what did you think of it?


  1. The Scarlet P... um... blame my kids for not my losing my mind. I haven't read it, but I watch old movies late at night feeding the baby. Pumpkin? just kidding, it's Pimple. No...

    But I'm getting closer.

    Scarlet Pimpernel?

  2. Good job Tabitha! You get the prize! It is The Scarlet Pimpernel :)

  3. Now I get it :-) I watched the movie, I guess I should've known it was a book too.


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