A Day in My Life

For lack of anything else to write about today, here is a generic model of what my days are like these days.

6:30am The alarm clock goes off. I roll over and attempt to catch a few more zzzzs, but usually get up within a few minutes, collect my clothes and head for the shower. Steven gets up, wakes up the kids and gets them moving.

7:00 Ideally, everyone is up and dressed. We gather for family prayer and scripture reading.

7:15 John puts the bowls on the table, Josh gets the spoons. Hannah pulls the cereal boxes down from the top pantry shelf and hands them to Peter, who brings them to the table. We gather at the table to eat.

7:30 Time to finish getting ready for school. Shoes are found, planners are signed, backpacks are double checked for homework. I try to get the dishwasher emptied and loaded with the breakfast dishes, and get a load of laundry into the washer. I remind the kids to make sure their dirty laundry is in their hampers.

7:45 Hannah leaves for her bus stop

7:55 The boys and I leave for school. We walk the half mile to school, usually passing Hannah as she gets on her bus. I walk Peter to where his class meets, then say goodbye and walk back home.

8:20 Home again, I usually go straight to the computer to check email, Facebook, and Blogger. That done, I start on the day's chores. This varies from day to day, but usually includes sorting and folding laundry, cleaning the cat's litter, cleaning the kitchen, and picking up clutter in the rest of the house. Some days I clean out a closet or a drawer, or do a detailed cleaning of some part of a room. For the most part, I try to ignore that Steven is at home so I don't interrupt his job search.

Later... Chores done, I have time to relax. Sometimes I find a book to read. Sometimes I play the piano or guitar. Sometimes I sew or knit or crochet. Sometimes I bake something or make yogurt or granola. Frequently, I'm back on the computer playing on Photoshop, preparing a blog or doing whatever. Some days I have Primary presidency meetings. Other days I go visiting teaching. Often, Steven and I go to the temple. I go shopping when necessary.

3:15 I leave home to head for the boys school. I collect Peter and Josh and we start for home, usually to be joined by John before we get halfway home.

3:40 We arrive at home. The boys get drinks, change clothes, and start on their homework and chores - theoretically, anyway. I usually have to check their backpacks for homework, and then encourage them (repeatedly) to get their homework done. Chores generally only get done if someone wants to be on the computer or watch a movie.

4:25 Hannah arrives home from school. I start working on dinner.

5:00-6:00 We eat dinner. After dinner, the kids do their meal jobs.

6:30 Frequently we prepare for whatever activity we have going on that night, whether it is Family Home Evening, Relief Society, Pack Meeting, Scouts, Young Women, or just staying home. 

8:00 Bedtime. The boys get pajamas on, brush teeth, and prepare for bed. When they are ready, they can read a book quietly.

9:00 Lights out, no more talking for the boys. Steven and I prepare for bed, read our scriptures and put ourselves to bed. Hannah gets herself to bed eventually; I don't mind how late how she stays up as long as she is quiet and manages to get up in time for family prayer the next morning.


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