Josh's Talk

Joshua gave a talk in Primary last Sunday. As usual, he didn't get around to thinking about what he would say until Sunday morning, when he wrote a few notes before we left for church. 

I wasn't able to hear Josh give his talk, but I wish I could have because he has a good understanding of the gospel and an interesting way of expressing his ideas. I wanted him to write down what he actually said because he told me that he didn't just read his notes and that he explained more than that, but I don't think he'll ever get around to writing it down.

You can get an idea of his thought processes by his notes though, so here is what he wrote:
Jesus Christ is my Savior an Redeemer.
Heavenly counsel he wanted to be the savior and redeemer. Lucifer did this also. After a word war, Jesus was chosen.
During his life he preached and did many miracles. Near the end of his life, in the Garden of Gethsemane, he suffered for all of our sins, then got sold to the anti-Jesus group.
He died on the cross and got resurrected three days later.
Because he did this, we can be resurrected and we can be forgiven of our sins.


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