My dear mother sent me a message on Facebook today: "MaeLyn, are you okay? I just realized you haven't written a blog in a month!" Oooops. There's just something about summer. I feel a little bit lazier. The kids are home and I have to compete for computer time. With the kids home when I am on the computer I find it more difficult to concentrate on anything. Either they are gathered around watching everything I do, or they are lurking, waiting to steal my seat if I ever stand up, or they are elsewhere in the room being noisy. I love them dearly, but they do make it difficult for me to think sometimes. Anyway, here's what has been going on this summer: About a month ago, a brother in our ward called to say he had a first generation iPad that he didn't need anymore, and he was wondering if we would like it. I told him, "Sure!" He brought it to church the next Sunday. The kids were very excited about it, and a month later, the novelty has yet to w...