Family Reunion in Wyoming

The last couple days in June, we drove to Wyoming, where we joined several members of my family for a family reunion. My brother-in-law, Dean, reserved the campground, which was actually a youth camp. It was really nice with bathrooms (with showers!) a kitchen and mess hall and an amphitheater. There was also a volleyball court and a place to play tether ball. We were able to go canoeing on a nearby pond. Some family members took advantage of a shooting range. Hannah went with them, and I understand that she is a pretty good shot!

I didn't take as many pictures as I should have, but here are some that I did take:
Steven relaxed by working on a wood carving.

Josh at the amphitheater.

John cooking marshmallows

The drive to the pond to go canoeing. 
 We caravanned over a bumpy dirt road to get to the pond to go canoeing. Our van actually dropped it's spare tire along the way! Luckily someone picked it up for us. 

Josh and John in a canoe. 

Peter watching the canoeing before he got brave enough to try it himself.

Confusion at the dock

Josh... why does he always seem to have a stick in his hand?

Peter, Josh and John playing tether ball.
We really had a great time. There were enough things to do that we could have stayed a couple more days and not gotten bored. We enjoyed the chance to visit with so many of my siblings and their families: Lindy and her kids, Lia and Ryan and their kids, Amber and Scott and kids, Joey and Marie, Heather and Tejay and their kids, April and Dean and their kids, Heidi and her boyfriend, Ammon, and even Kristy and Michael and their kids were able to stop by briefly the last day on their way to another family reunion. We missed my parents and those of my siblings who couldn't make it (Jarom/Tayson and Daniel/Haru and their families).


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