
It was Veteran's Day so there was no school. Steven had already left for work and I laid in bed, wrapped in my blankets with my eyes closed, reveling in the joy of not having to get up and get the boys to school.  Eventually my stomach complained. Normal feeding time had passed and it was hungry. I got up and made my way to the kitchen. As I entered the living room, I caught a glimpse out the window of a beautiful winter wonderland. This was the first snow of the season! I spent a moment just looking. There is something about a clean white blanket of snow, untouched by footprints, leaves and mud that appeals to my soul - especially on a day when I don't have to be out in it.

Later, Josh and Peter pulled on snow pants and boots and warm coats and mittens (It seemed overkill to me because it really wasn't all that cold) and headed out to play. Peter built a snowman, complete with a carrot nose. Hannah made apple cider. John spent the day coding on his computer. And I watched movies and knitted, grateful for a snow day, grateful for the veterans who have served to preserve my freedom.


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