Birthdays (Part 2)

John turned 15 in July. He wanted a raspberry pi for his birthday. (And no, that's not a typo.) Apparently a raspberry pi is a type of tiny computer, and not something to eat. John managed to attach a keyboard to it and use our TV as a monitor, and he has been able to program some things for it. He still wants some buttons that he can attach to it, and i'm not sure what all else.

Hannah made his cake. It was supposed to be a train engine, I think.

Josh's birthday was just a couple weeks ago, and he turned 13.

 What Josh wanted for his birthday was Dungeons and Dragons stuff. He participated in a D&D club last year and was looking forward to school starting again so he could play some more.
 I actually got to make his cake, and yes, it is a lot more boring than Hannah's creations, but it was swirly on the inside.

John is currently serving as president of the Teacher's quorum at church, and Josh was recently called as the Deacon's quorum president. I think it is awesome that they are worthy to hold priesthood keys in our ward.


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