Counting my Blessings

Yesterday, as I sat in sacrament meeting listening to my oldest son, John, who was ordained a priest the previous Sunday, offer the blessing on the water my heart filled with joy and brought tears to my eyes. Joshua, who will be ordained a teacher next Sunday, and Peter, who was recently ordained a deacon, stood reverently during the blessing as they waited to pass the emblems of Christ's blood to the congregation. I was filled with joy at the thought that all three of my boys were worthy and willing to participate in this ordinance. As a brother I met on my mission in Brazil often said, "Que bênção!" (What a blessing!)

Last week, Steven, Joshua and Peter attended Scout Camp all week, leaving me with Hannah (who is working at Sonic 30-35 hours a week trying to save money for college) and John. It was a very quiet week! I missed my younger boys while they were gone, but enjoyed spending some one-on-one time with John. It was wonderful to enjoy dinner last night with our entire family seated around the table for the first time in a week. Que bênção!

This week, John has his turn at Aaronic Priesthood Camp. So far, I haven't noticed that our home is noticeably quieter (John isn't a noisy one). I will miss him tonight when I have to load the dishwasher - that is a daily chore that John took on willingly several months ago and has done faithfully ever since. Again, que bênção!

The summer is passing quickly. We're working at trying to get Hannah ready to leave for BYUI in a little over a month. Last week we got her set up with her own bank account. Tomorrow she gets her wisdom teeth pulled. (Yikes!) I wish I knew more about the ins and outs of registering for classes, getting her AP scores recognized and prerequisites accepted. I am grateful for all that she is managing to take care of on her own, and I have confidence that she will do great at school this fall. It is a tremendous joy to watch my little girl growing up. Que bênção!


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