Canine Encounter

When I was a child, I was TERRIFIED of dogs. I didn't have a whole lot of experience with them; we didn't have one. But the neighbors had two HUGE BLACK DOBERMANS. Whenever we were in our backyard, they would stick their noses through a hole in the fence and bark and growl as though we were invading their territory.

As a missionary, my experience with dogs grew and I learned to tolerate them. I realized they weren't all out to bite me. Some were actually friendly. Over time, my terror has settled into a quiet, respectful indifference. I don't go out of my way to meet dogs, but if I happen to encounter someone with a friendly dog and the dog wants to come over and say hello, I'm okay with it.

A similar looking dog to the one that chased me... maybe.
This one looks a lot calmer.
Today, I had left Peter at his school and was continuing my morning walk when as I passed one house, I watched a large, brown dog claw his way over the wooden fence from the back yard and come racing towards me, howling!

???   What was I supposed to do   ???

I debated. Was I supposed to turn to face him? Should I try to knock on the door and tell his owners he had escaped from the backyard? His whole demeanor told me he wanted me away from his territory, and I had no idea what he would do to me if I approached his house! In the end, I retreated. I didn't run, but I did continue my walk, with him following me, baying at me at the top of his lungs. I passed the property line, and was halfway past the next house before he stopped following and the barking stopped. I didn't look back. I hope he went home, and didn't remain to terrorize others. I was just praying in gratitude that he hadn't bitten me and wasn't following me home!


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