John Graduated!

Last September, John and I went to the park for a photo shoot, trying to get a "Senior Picture" for his high school year book. We took several, and got a few that I really liked. I think that was when I first started to realize that John was in his senior year at high school and that he would be graduating soon.

Throughout the school year he has been busy with many activities that have had him spending long hours away from home. He completed two pathways in school - engineering and drama (kind of like having a double major in college.) He auditioned for and sang in All-State Choir. He served on drama council. He performed in the fall play, "The Outsiders", the spring musical, "Curtains", and then wrote and directed a one-act play, "Somebody". He performed with the improv troupe, "Dill's Pickles". He was president of the coding club. He competed in the Congressional App Challenge. And he wore a green shirt and took his ukulele to school with him almost every day.

This past week we have had attended a choir banquet, a drama banquet, and an awards ceremony where he has received many awards, trophies and even a medal. They include:

  • Lifetime Achievement in Props (He served as props manager for 1 1/2 years.)
  • Teacher's Choice award, 12th grade
  • Best supporting character in "The Outsiders"
  • Northglenn High School Drama Letterman of the Year (for 143.25 points, or 1,432 hours spent doing drama over his 4 years in high school)
  • Director's Award
  • Northglenn High School Drama Thespian of the Year (for 83.4 points, or about 834 hours doing drama. I don't know exactly why lettering and the Thespian Society count hours differently.)
  • Drama Council Member
  • International Thespian Society Certificate of Induction
  • Northglenn High School Academic Letter
  • Tech challenge Team Player
  • Certificate of special Congressional Recognition (for the Congressional App Challenge)
  • 2019 Concert Choir Most Valuable Player
  • 2019 Most Dedicated Senior
  • Concert Choir Participation Award
  • DILLY-A! 
  • All State Medal

He also received tassels for the theater stem pathway, the engineering stem pathway,
for being an honor thespian, and for receiving the Principal's Award for maintaining a 3.5 GPA over his four years in high school. Wow!

Finally yesterday was the graduation ceremony at  CU Boulder, marking the end of his high school career. Congratulations John on a job well done!!!


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