
Have you ever felt like you jinxed yourself? You thought something was under control, and next thing you know, it's not?

Sunday night, due to procrastination in getting a prescription refilled, I only had one of the two anti-seizure pills that I normally take every night. I remember thinking, "It's been over a year since my last seizure. If I can get through the next day or two without a seizure in spite of the half dose tonight, maybe they won't be a problem any more."

Monday around noon, my sister who also has seizures called, and again I found myself thinking about how long it had been since I'd had a seizure, and how nice that was.

Later that afternoon when I picked up my prescription, the pharmacist told me that my doctor wanted to talk with me. It had been several months since I last saw her, so on Tuesday morning I made an appointment for their first opening, in a few weeks.

Wednesday night, as I was falling asleep, I remember having a familiar dream (kind of like déjà vu) and recognizing it, thinking, "That's strange, this is that one dream - I only have it before a seizure..." And next thing I knew, Steven was calling my name and I had an awful buzzing in my ears and it was hard to think for a couple minutes. I'd had a seizure. *Sigh*

On Thursday I called the doctor's office back to let them know what had happened. I explained about having only taken the half dose on Sunday thinking that might have been the cause, although I had taken the regular dose every day before and after, but the doctor dismissed that saying the timing wasn't right - if that had caused it, I would have had the seizure on Monday or Tuesday.

She asked about other things that might have caused it - stress or change in sleeping habits, and I really couldn't think of anything. Since I was released from my Relief Society calling a month ago, I've actually had less stress in my life. Steven met with someone about a potential new job Thursday morning, but that was more stressful for him than for me. My sleeping habits hadn't changed - I try to stick to a fairly regular schedule. I really didn't know, unless just thinking about seizures and how long it had been since I'd had one over the last few days had brought it on and I'd jinxed myself. 

Anyway, she increased my dose of the medicine to 3 pills a day (1 in the morning as well as the 2 at night.) I'll go see her in a few weeks and we'll discuss it more then, I guess.


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