The Year in Review: Peter in 2022

Peter loves drama, and he's good at it too. This year he has been in production after production, developing his talents. In March he played the munchkin mayor in The Wizard of Oz. ( See here for my blog on that ). In April he played a lead role in the one act play Abra Cadaver. ( Here's my blog on that. ) At the end of his Junior year in high school, he was elected as co-president of the drama club and was granted stewardship of the traditional Kermit the Frog doll for acting. (There are four stuffed frogs that are passed from a graduating drama student to the drama student that student feels best exemplifies that role. Josh received the "Kermie" for tech while he was in high school. Other Kermies are passed for costumes and light/sound.) In July he performed in the community theater production of The Servant of Two Masters. ( Blog post ) In October, Peter performed as the narrator in the high school production of Puffs: Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certai...