What is a Silly Rabbit? Answers!

A week or so ago, I posted some Funny Buddy Riddles. To those of you who looked at them and tried to figure them out, but gave up, or those who thought they knew some but weren't sure, here are the answers:
  1. bottle vehicle - can van or jar car
  2. polo soil - shirt dirt
  3. nylons container - socks box
  4. fuzzy fruit - hairy berry
  5. quill guys - pen men
  6. chart wire - table cable (or board cord, as April said)
  7. aqua loafer - blue shoe
  8. fedora talk - hat chat
  9. toad swine - frog hog
  10. cook dessert - bake cake
  11. insect squeeze - bug hug
  12. organ section - heart part
  13. divider toy - wall ball
  14. impoverished entry - poor door
  15. recliner duo - chair pair
  16. verifiable paste - true glue
  17. tome corner - book nook
  18. vomit muffler - barf scarf
  19. spirit emcee - ghost host
  20. unleashed gander - loose goose
  21. feline carpet - cat mat
  22. faint melody - swoon tune
  23. large stick - big twig
  24. insane flower - crazy daisy
  25. vegetable bird - carrot parrot
  26. video hood - tape cape
  27. tomb leaked - crypt dripped
  28. mind stretch - brain strain
  29. corn dream - maize daze
  30. sheep sleep - ewes snooze


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