A Change of Callings

The phone rang yesterday, about an hour before church was to start. I answered it. It was the executive secretary of the ward, asking if I could meet with the bishop briefly, fifteen minutes before church. I said, "yes" and hung up the phone.

Immediately the thoughts came pouring through my mind. Is it a new calling? Are they going to release me from one (or all) of the three I already have? The Young Women presidency changed last week... does it have something to do with that? I am really enjoying my calling as a Relief Society teacher right now, and I didn't really want to be released from that yet, especially since I've only been doing it for a few months. I could deduce that it wasn't' something really big, because they only asked to see me, and not Steven too. But whatever it was, I knew I would do whatever I was called to do.

We arrived at the church fifteen minutes or so before it was to start. The bishop was still in a meeting, so I put down my books in the chapel and talked to a friend for a minute or two, then wandered back towards the bishop's office to see if they were out yet. Eventually, they did, and I was ushered into the clerk's office with one of the bishop's counselors.

"Am I getting something, loosing something, or both?" I asked him.

"Both," was his reply.

He released me from being assistant Webelos leader, a calling I've shared with Steven for the last year, almost. I've enjoyed working with Josh and the other boys his age, and I wonder what I'll be doing Wednesday evenings while everyone else in the family is at scouts and/or Young Womens.

I was called to be the ward chorister. I'm not the ward music chairperson, a calling I had several years ago, which involved not only leading the music in sacrament meeting, but also coordinating musical numbers and organists, and organizing the ward choir.  The counselor was unsure as to who would be selecting the hymns. As far as I know, I'm just leading the music in sacrament meeting, which is something I've done several times in the last few months as the sister who had the calling was out of town, or arrived late, or had her grand niece with her and therefore couldn't do it herself. It will be easier than planning den meetings, and won't interfere in the slightest with my other two callings (teaching and playing piano in Relief Society).

I'm grateful for opportunities to be of service. I'm grateful that when I was asked on Friday if I could play the piano for a baptism on Saturday, that I could say, "yes", even before I knew what the hymns would be. It is nice to feel needed, and to feel that I am capable of doing something that will be useful and appreciated.


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