Photography Class

Leaves carpet the lawn;
A cool breeze brings gentle rain.
Fall enters stage left.
I've been taking a photography class over the last month or so. It's an online course through the local community college, with classes twice a week for six weeks. I've learned a lot about how to use my little point-and-shoot camera in ways I hadn't realized it was capable of. Hopefully some of the pictures I post here will be improved in some ways as I practice the skills I've been learning.

The class has also greatly increased my desire to acquire an SLR camera sometime in the future. It's frustrating to finally have some understanding of what f-stops and shutter speeds are supposed to do and have no way to get experience using them. 

Meanwhile, I do have a camera, and it works fine for now. I am grateful that I have it, and that I have the chance to take this class which has taught me how to better use it.


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