Steven's Birthday, Camera Found, Thanksgiving, and Scripture Master

This week, I have had about fifty bazillion things to write about, and NO TIME to write anything!!!!!

Isn't that frustrating? I figure I should really try to get back in the habit of trying to write something every day so I don't feel so behind when I do write.

But I have an hour to write before I need to pick up Peter from school today, so I guess you get the highlights:

Sunday, November 22nd was a great day. First of all, it was Steven's birthday. He's finally caught up with me age-wise, for a few months anyway. :)

Also that day, Josh gave his first talk in Sacrament Meeting. It was on the 7th Article of Faith and he did an awesome job. You can read his talk here.

Tradition says that good things come in threes, and on that day, they certainly did.
Steven found my camera
It was in the van, somehow wedged between the side of my seat and the little tray thing in the middle between the two front seats. I would have sworn I looked there, but I guess it needed Steven's magic eyes in order to be found.

So, here are some of the pictures from Halloween that I was so sad about losing:
Hannah carving a pumpkin
The squirrel that came to visit
Peter as Sherlock Holmes
Hannah as Christine Daae
Peter and Josh, the headless man holding a head in a jar.
John, the dalek
Steven the Scout.
Me, the sleepy housewife.
Our awards and prizes.
Our trunk, decorated with a Dr. Who theme.
November 23rd
We left home to drive to Wyoming to spend Thanksgiving week with my sister April in Wyoming. We had a super fantabulous week with April and her three adorable little boys. Hannah drove from home to a rest stop on the I-80 where there is a giant Lincoln Head memorial. Then Steven drove the rest of the way. That day was actually kind of warm.
John at the rest stop.
Joshua at the Lincoln Head rest stop.
I got to play with April's fancy camera while we were at her house, and took a ton of pictures (a lot were of stupid stuff as I was playing with different settings, but I got some really good ones. I look forward to getting a fancy camera of my own... can I wait 22 more days?) I didn't take all of these, but here are some of the pictures that were taken during the week.

April's son Isaac was adorable, and really fun to take pictures of.
We played lots of games at April's house.
Isaac again. Isn't he cute?!
Peter playing Operation with Andrew and Dean.
Hannah, looking pretty.
Tuesday afternoon we took a walk to the school nearby. It was super windy and super cold. It snowed later that evening.
Josh, looking cold. It was freezing most of the time we were there.
The playground at the school nearby has some awesome playthings.
We needed hot chocolate when we got back inside.
On Thanksgiving, we visited April's MIL's house.
April took this picture of John and Isaac. The little boys were sledding in their grandma's backyard.
Steven baked a cherry pie. I love that he bakes!
No Peter, the cage is for the dog, not you.
We returned home on Saturday, just behind a storm. Hannah drove across Wyoming from Green River to a McDonalds across the Colorado state line on the I-25. For the most part, the roads weren't too bad. We were very happy to be home again. 

Since then, John became the first Scripture Master in his seminary class by memorizing all 25 Scripture Mastery scriptures for the year. He got a diploma and all his classmates signed it. What a smart boy!
This picture was taken by John's seminary teacher.


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