Pondering Body and Spirit
How are the spirit and the body connected? I'm trying to ponder this, but I'm afraid the anti-seizure medication I'm on has fried my brain and it is making it very hard to think. I'm hoping writing out what I know here will help... I know that death is the separation of body and spirit. (See Eccl 12:7 ) I know that body and spirit together make a soul. (See D&C 88:15 ) I know that God created man's spirits. (See Moses 6:36 ) Doctrine and Covenants 93:29-36 says: Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be. All truth is independent in that sphere in which God has placed it, to act for itself, as all intelligence also; otherwise there is no existence. Behold, here is the agency of man, and here is the condemnation of man; because that which was from the beginning is plainly manifest unto them, and they receive not the light. And every man whose spirit receiveth not the lig...