School closing, Josh adventures, Back pain relief...

On Wednesday school was cancelled all over the Denver area because there was a credible threat that an 18 year old woman with a fixation on the Columbine shooting would attack a school. Apparently she arrived in Denver and bought a gun and then vanished, so they shut down everything just in case. (They found her body later that day... She committed suicide. More info here.)

John was frustrated that school was cancelled because one acts are coming up (they are this week!) and he needed the rehearsal time. Instead, John took advantage of the free day to go to School of Mines to check out the campus and talk to someone about getting his admission deferred. I got a ride to my book club, and both of us were home again before Josh and Peter rolled out of bed.

Early in the afternoon I took Josh to Children's Hospital to see a cardiologist about his seizures. They did an EKG, but the results were normal. He doesn't have a heart murmur or anything else they could identify. I still think what he had were seizures, but since the EEG and MRI that the neurologist ordered were normal too, no one really knows what is going on.... I guess we just have to wait and see. He hasn't had another one since November so maybe whatever it was is out of his system? Hopefully?

Later that afternoon I took Josh to the park behind the JoAnn so people from the city of Northglenn could show him how to do the work for his eagle project. He'll be laying the pipes and stuff to put a sprinkler system in flower beds at a bunch of different parks, so they showed him the whole process. We left with a bunch of tubing and sprinkler heads in the back of my van.

All day Wednesday I was hobbling around like a ninety year old who had lost her cane. It hurt to stand, or sit, or lie down, or walk, or to move suddenly. Sometimes even shifting my weight slightly would cause an intense sudden pain that would make me gasp. Usually by evening I was feeling slightly better, but still very sore.

On Thursday as I was trying to climb out of bed I heard something pop and for the next hour or so I couldn't put any weight on my right leg. Eventually the pain eased a little, but that evening I sent a text to the Bishop (who happens to be a pathologist and knows stuff about doctoring) and asked if he could tweak my back to make it feel better. (He actually offered to do something last Sunday but I didn't take him up on it at the time.) Steven and I went to his house and Bishop had me lying on their kitchen table and moved my back this way and that and moved my leg this way and that, and told me to take a lot more pain meds than I had been taking... But on the way home from his house, it felt like something relaxed and I was in a lot less pain. Over the next couple days I felt much better. On Friday I was finally able to do the grocery shopping that I had been needing to do. I'm still not 100% back to normal, but I feel a ton better.


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