Walking, Hail, and Orthodontics

From this week's letter to Hannah...

This past week hasn't been a particularly busy one. I'm still going out for walks in the morning, and John and occasionally Josh come with me. On Monday, Josh, John and I went to the little park behind the Thornton City buildings, and behind the Sam's Club - the one you can only really see from the freeway. It's a nice little park. On Tuesday the three of us walked from the Johns' neighborhood to the Savory ponds (near where the giant mushroom can is on Federal). On Wednesday we walked the normal loop around the library, and on Friday John and I walked the trail where John did his eagle project. It had rained the night before, so he wanted to see how effective it was. It looked like the wall definitely helped. There were other spots on the trail that could use retaining walls too - places where the mud was an inch deep, but the area where the wall was looked pretty good.

On Independence Day, we enjoyed talking with you. It was a nice day to relax and not really have to worry about stuff. We didn't end up going to see fireworks that night - the boys weren't anxious to go be amid the crowds and the noise, and it also rained off and on through the evening. We ended up watching a movie at home, and then around 9pm, Dad and I walked down to the park to see what fireworks we could see from there - with lightning flashes in the distance too. It was sprinkling on us again as we made our way back home.

On Friday evening, Dad and I went to the temple. After the session, we got to stay and help clean. As we were sitting in the marriage waiting room waiting for our instructions - and for the temple to clear out a little, we suddenly heard a loud noise from outside - it had suddenly begun pouring rain really hard. When we finished cleaning and came out of the temple, it had stopped raining, but there were tons of leaves and hail like snow on the ground. As we were driving home, we noticed that both the side view mirrors on Dad's car were cracked, presumably by hail stones hitting them! When we got home, the boys told us that the storm had hit there too, creating a lake in front of the house and flooding the playroom.

Yesterday was a little busier. John was trying to finish filling out the paperwork for his eagle. All three of the boys needed to pack for scout camp next week. We had the missionaries over for dinner. The boys had to drop off their gear at the bishop's house.

We also had to make an emergency appointment with the orthodontist for Peter because his expander came off his teeth on one side and needed to be reattached before he leaves for scout camp early Monday morning. I felt bad because the office is closed until Monday, and so I had to call the orthodontist's personal phone, and he was out mountain biking somewhere out of town, and he then contacted one of his techs, who was at a birthday party that day, but was able to come after the party... but yeah, she was able to get the expander reattached for us. I am very grateful that they were willing to take the time during the holiday weekend to help us, and I really hope Peter doesn't have any more issues with it at scout camp!


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