Studying the Book of Mormon
During General Conference in October of 2018, President Nelson invited the sisters of the church to read the Book of Mormon. He said:
"I invite you to read the Book of Mormon between now and the end of the year. As impossible as that may seem with all you are trying to manage in your life, if you will accept this invitation with full purpose of heart, the Lord will help you find a way to achieve it. And, as you prayerfully study, I promise that the heavens will open for you. The Lord will bless you with increased inspiration and revelation.
As you read, I would encourage you to mark each verse that speaks of or refers to the Savior. Then, be intentional about talking of Christ, rejoicing in Christ, and preaching of Christ with your families and friends. You and they will be drawn closer to the Savior through this process. And changes, even miracles, will begin to happen."(See entire talk)I accepted his invitation. I figured out how many pages a day I would need to read in order to finish by New Years' Eve. And I read that many pages each night before I went to bed. My scriptures were already well marked, so I soon gave up trying to mark every verse that speaks of the Savior - It seemed too messy to mark these references on top of the scriptures that were already marked, and I soon gave up. I finished reading the Book of Mormon on New Years Eve according to plan and then switched to reading the New Testament with the Come Follow Me program, only reading occasional cross references in the Book of Mormon.
I finished this morning, exactly six weeks from when I started. While I have read the Book of Mormon many times before, this time, I feel like it was different. I watched for references to the Savior and I realized that he was on almost every page. I read with questions and again and again I would come across verses that were relevant to the questions I had and helped guide me towards the answers I sought. I found stories that I could relate to and apply to my life today. I read chapters that I have read countless times before, but gained new insights, found new truths that I hadn't considered before. I have been inspired and enlightened.
Since I've been reading in the morning, I've had the entire day to think about the things that I've read. I've been driven to write gospel centered blogs. I've talked about what I've read to my boys while I drove them from seminary to school. I've shared my testimony of the things I've been reading at church. I do feel like I have drawn closer to my Savior in a way that I didn't last year. I think I understand a little better what Joseph Smith meant when he said, referring to the Book of Mormon, "a man [or woman] would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book."(Introduction)
Once again I feel like I have received a witness that the Book of Mormon is of God.
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