Personal History #9

Were you or do you remember anyone in your school class being punished by a teacher?

The first time I remember being punished was in a very early grade when we read something about spitballs in a story book. The teacher asked if anyone knew what a spitball was, and I attempted to show her what I thought a spitball was. The teacher was not impressed or amused. I had to wash off the desk and sit with my head down on the desk for a while.

I mostly remember the threats more than I remember actual punishments. In elementary school, we had a folder of our work that we brought home every week on Tuesday, and we had to bring it back the next day signed by a parent. It was called the "Tuesday Tattler". One of my teachers - and I honestly don't remember which one - told us that if we forgot to bring it back signed, he (or she) would hang us upside down by our toes from the flag pole! I remember wondering how one would go about doing that... but I never got to see it done. I imagine if it ever had happened, the teacher would have been fired and sued by the child's parents.

I remember a social studies teacher at La Paz Intermediate school had an interesting policy regarding throwing things into the waste basket: if we made it, it was okay, but if we missed we would get a detention. There were those who took the risk and ended up in detention after school.


  1. ummm... just out of curiosity, who was that La Paz social studies teacher? Sounds like something that Mr. Appel would do.

  2. I don't remember his name but I think it started with a K. Kaiser? Kisner? Something like that I think.


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