Steven's Trip and a Possible Egg Allergy

Steven left for Europe last Friday. Ever since he started looking into this MBA program, I think this international trip has been what he was most excited about. He has been looking forward to it for over a year, and now he is finally there! He has suffered some jet lag and difficulty sleeping, but he has enjoyed the tours of businesses and monasteries, banks and cities. He landed in Frankfurt, Germany, but has also seen Rüdesheim, Mannheim, and Heidelberg. He has seen the European Central Bank, the Deutsche Bank, a John Deere factory and a BASF plant the size of a city. Today I believe he is traveling to Strasbourg, France. He has the camera so I hope he is taking lots of pictures. From his emails, it sounds like he is having fun.

Meanwhile, I am essentially a single parent. I've attempted to keep the routines as close to normal as possible, and besides acting up a little, the kids haven't talked much about his being gone. I miss Steven though. I miss the things he does to help around the house, like emptying the dishwasher in the morning or taking out the trash. I miss having him around to help Josh with his multiplication facts, and getting the kids up and moving in the mornings. He has a way of getting the kids to do their homework and chores that I will never have - probably because there are so many things I tell them to do on any given day that I loose my effectiveness. I haven't slept well since he's been gone, but whether that is because he is gone, or a result of the time change, I'm not sure. At any rate, my sympathies to my sister and sister in law who have had their husbands gone for tours of duty for a whole year at a time. I should be grateful that Steven is only going to be gone for two weeks.

In other news, I think that Peter may be allergic to eggs. He tends to get rashes on the backs of his knees and in the crooks of his elbows - huge, inflamed, fiery rashes that are not just itchy, but painful. They would come and go, and I never knew why; I'd just slather them with Vaseline when they flared up, and hope that it would fade, and it would, eventually, only to return a few weeks later. One Sunday we had scrambled eggs for breakfast, and that evening the rash showed up. On Tuesday of the same week, it was obviously worse, and I remembered that he had an egg for lunch. (I only really knew this because on Tuesdays I have lunch with Peter at the school while I'm there to volunteer.) I made the connection, and so for the last couple weeks, we've been trying to eliminate as much as possible, eggs from his - and our, diet. Some things, like pancakes, are easy to replace the egg with applesauce. Other things, where the egg acts as a binder, are harder to figure out. The meatloaf I made last Sunday was very crumbly. Hannah made brownies last week that had an oily layer on top, but were flat and almost the texture of jigglers. They tasted good though. Since we cut out the eggs, the rash on Peter's knees had faded gradually, and hasn't flared up again. At some point I'll try giving him eggs again and see if the rash comes back. Meanwhile, any suggestions on cooking without eggs?


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