What games did we play when we were young?

I read my sister's blog today, and in it, she mentioned some of the games we used to play when we were little. She mentioned pretending our beds were pirate ships, and pretending there were tiny people living in our backyard. This set me off on a trip down memory lane, thinking of the things we did when we were young.

With this sister, I remember making homes for tiny people in some cement blocks in the side yard. I remember making up plays to the music of the Nutcracker. I remember trying to scare each other at night in the dark. I remember playing "secretary", using a lite bright and Lego constructions for computers. I remember celebrating our parents' anniversaries by making our own restaurant, and even making it a dinner theater, singing songs like "Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head". I remember playing in the trees in front of our house - how one was her house, and the other was mine. I remember posting street signs around our driveway and riding our bikes and trikes and power wheels around.

With a brother, I remember creating an island with a blanket, (with a lot of wrinkles for mountains, valleys and caves and then playing with tiny animals or people on that island.

I recently told my children of a game I remember from my childhood. I'm not sure where it came from, but one person would be the "statue maker". They would spin a couple other players around and then let go, and they would have to freeze in whatever position they landed in, as a statue. Another player would come and "shop" for one of the statues. I remember some of the statues acting like robots, while the statue maker told the shopper about all the wonderful qualities each statue had in an effort to sell it.

Another random memory I came up with recently was something we used to say at some point in time:
Person #1: It's thick!
Person #2: And rich!
Both together: And Chocolatey!
I assume this originally came from a commercial for Hershey's syrup or something? But I remember  saying it about a lot of different things, whether they were chocolate or not!

I remember sliding down hills covered in pine needles on pieces of cardboard. (We didn't live where it snowed so we couldn't go sledding very easily.) I remember catching lizards. I remember playing in an empty refrigerator box in the garage. I remember playing hide-and-seek in the dark.

So... dear siblings who read this blog... what games do you remember playing when you were little?


  1. don't touch the ground... try to get all around the house without touching the ground at all. I was walking along the counters in the kitchen and I stepped on the faucet and broke it... oops. Lots of 'house' in many different formats, usually orphans escaping the police. At night we would play it in bed. We would have lots of different blankets, and when we would fold them over to expose a different blanket, we were in a different room. Heidi and I used to hide in the cupboard under the bathroom sink, and sneak around the house to get food and stuff and make it back to the cupboard without being seen. I think we were orphans then too. We played orphans a lot. Sometimes we had magical powers and we were running from the police because magic was illegal. We used to dance around on Sundays in our slips and tights and pretend that we were ballerinas. We tied ribbons to the handle bars of our bikes and held the ribbon instead of the handlebars to pretend that we were riding horses. After the harry potter craze hit, Daniel, Heidi and I played a lot of Harry Potter based Games. Daniel tied a rope from the tree with a broom at the end of it so we could fly on brooms, and then we played our own version of Quidditch. On Daniel's 11th birthday, Heidi and I sent him a letter from Hogwarts. :) And then there was Lucy... :D ...fun times.

  2. I remember raking the leaves into huge mazes and house layouts and playing games inside. The raker would change up the maze and try to trap people. And I remember playing house in our tree in the backyard. Each section of tree was somebody's room. I remember not being able to get up into the tree so the section below the tree was a room as well. Lots of playing pretend. :)

    1. My kids like raking the leaves into mazes and houses too!

  3. I remember the Witch games we'd play while cleaning the kitchen.. if you didn't do your job in time you'd get locked in the coat closet with the shoes. I remember playing house outside a lot. Specifically I remember jumping on the trampoline and pretending I was flying over mountains and oceans, etc. I also remember playing orphans.. and I think that mostly was because nobody wanted to pretend to be the Mom or Dad, and the movie Annie inspired that a lot too. There was always an imaginary Orphanage Lady who was mean.. Sometimes we'd be two or three people so we could include all the characters we needed by changing a hat or some article of clothing. Natalie and Ammon are BIG pretenders, they play the "mommy and Daddy Game" the "Mommy and Baby Game" "Spiderman and Firestar," "Backyardigans", etc.. and so instead of calling it all "Play House" it changes it's name depending on the characters they are using. They like to do another game I remember playing by Setting up the kitchen chairs and walking across them like a bridge to get where they needed to go. They also like to set up the cushions of the couch and jump from one to the next playing "Don't touch the Ground".. so it certainly brings back memories. They also, like we used to, build forts out of whatever they can think up.


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