Some Thoughts on Missionary Work and Conversion

Institute this morning was on Alma 17-24. Here are some of the things we discussed:

Ways to prepare to serve as a missionary: (See Alma 17:2,3,11)
   1. Search the scriptures
   2. Pray
   3. Fast
   4. Develop patience
   5. Develop long-suffering
   6. Become dedicated
   7. Learn to serve (v. 25)

Gifts we can receive through our preparation: (same verses as above)
   1. Gift of Prophecy
   2. Gift of Revelation
   3. Power and authority
   4. We become good examples
   5. We are instruments in God's hands
   6. Be able to speak with boldness (Alma 18:24)

It was pointed out that the great missionaries of the Book of Mormon taught three main things (See Alma 18:36-39 and Alma 22:13-14):
   1. The Creation
   2. The Fall of Adam
   3. The Atonement

When the king of the Lamanites found his mortal life was threatened, he offered up half of his kingdom to save it (See Alma 20:23). He was willing to give up all that he possessed AND forsake his entire kingdom in order to receive eternal life. (Alma 22:15)

When the Lamanites were converted to the gospel of Christ, they had a desire to change their name. The name they selected was, "Anti-Nephi-Lehi." (Someone in the class told us that the word 'anti' in the early 1800s could have meant a likeness or mirroring. Other places it is suggested that they were opposed to the distinction between Nephites and Lamanites. In the past I have wondered if 'anti' is similar to 'ante', meaning 'before', as in: before the Nephites separated themselves and they were all the children of Lehi.) I don't know why they chose the name they did. I guess the point was that in converting, they took a new name upon themselves that represented their change of heart and a separation from those Lamanites who were not converted. (Alma 23:16-17)

As a symbol of their conversion and dedication, the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi buried their weapons of war. We discussed for a little while how we can bury the weapons of our rebellion, whether it is avoiding situations that would tempt us to resume former bad habits (Like a recovering alcoholic entering a bar) or avoiding people who are bad influences on us. For me, that means not playing certain computer games that I know to be addicting. Sometimes the thing itself isn't inherently wrong, and so setting boundaries or limits might be sufficient, but other times the behavior has to be abandoned completely and all ties to it must be cut off.


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