Two Paths

Institute resumed today after a three week break for the holidays, and the subject matter was Alma 8-16. Here are some of the thoughts that I came home with.

Alma 8:14 - When Alma was weighed down with sorrow, wading through tribulation because of his troubles in doing the Lord's work, the Lord sent an angel to encourage him. The Lord supports his servants when they are striving to do his work.

Alma 8:18 - Even though he had been reviled and cast out of the city of Ammonihah, when the angel told him to return, Alma returned speedily to the city. We receive the blessings when we are quick to obey. Because Alma was quick to obey, he received not only a meal when he was hungry (v.20), but also a companion in his labors and they were both filled with the Holy Ghost. (v. 30)

Alma 13:3 - Men were called and prepared from the foundation of the world ... with a holy calling. I, too, was given certain callings and missions to fulfill in this life. A comment was made by a class member that someone (Maybe LeGrand Richards?) said that if we are grateful and obedient, we will become what we were intended to be.

Alma 11:22 - "I will say (or do or think) nothing that is contrary to the Spirit of the Lord." When we rely on the Holy Spirit, we can overcome temptation and discern deception.

Alma 12:9-11 - We gain God's word according to the heed and diligence that we give to his word. Those who pay attention, and are quick to obey will receive more. Those who don't will receive less, until they have nothing, forgetting even what they have been given already.

Alma 11:41,44 - The day will come when every person will be resurrected and will stand before God to be judged of our works. Only those who believe in Christ and take upon them his name will be saved.

Alma 14:10-11 - When Amulek was pained watching the women and children consumed in the fire, Alma told him that the Spirit constrained him not to stretch forth his hand to save them because the blood of the innocent would stand as a witness against the wicked. It is in terrible moments like these that having an eternal perspective can help us: this life is only a short (albeit important) moment in our existence. There is life after death. This life is a test. Pain makes us stronger and struggles help us grow. Someone referred to a quote by C.S. Lewis:
“Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make any sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of - throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself.” ― C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

If we seek God's word and strive to do his work - quick to obey, relying on the Holy Spirit, trusting and believing in Christ, then we will be blessed and guided and strengthened until the day that we will receive our salvation.

On the other hand, there is another path that some choose to follow:
Alma 8:12 - Say the wicked to the prophet: "Thou hast no power over us."
Alma 9:5 - They knew not that God could do such marvelous works.
Alma 9:23 - If a people who have been greatly blessed by the Lord transgress contrary to the light and knowledge they have, the punishment will be great.
Alma 10:19 - If the time comes that the voice of the people should choose iniquity, they are ripe for destruction.
Alma 10:23 - It is by the prayers of the righteous that the wicked are spared. If the righteous are cast out, the land is left open to famine, pestilence and the sword.
Alma 14:7-8 - They cast out or cast into the fire all those who believed or had been taught to believe in the word of God.
Alma 16:9-10 -  Every living soul in the city, and also their great city itself, was destroyed all in one day.

I know which path I want to be on!


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