Just for Fun Quiz

I was cleaning out a file cabinet and came across this old geometry quiz. The kids and I had fun figuring out the answers. The answers are below, but try to figure them out before you peek! No actual knowledge of geometry is required. (Warning: these require some imagination and disregard for spelling, grammar, and the like.)

Match the correct term to its description:

1. That which Noah built.
2. An Article for serving ice cream
3. What a bloodhound does in chasing a woman
4. An expression to represent the loss of a parrot
5. An appropriate title for a knight named Koll
6. A sunburned man
7. A tall coffee pot perking
8. What one does when it rains
9. A small dog sitting in a refrigerator
10. What a boy does on the lake when his boat's motor won't run
11. What you call a person who writes for a hotel
12. What the captain said when his boat was bombed
13. What a little acorn says when he grows up
14. What one does to trees that are in the way
15. What you do if you have yarn and needles
16. Can George Washington turn into a country?
A. Perpendicular
B. Inscribe
C. Decagon
D. Center
E. Hypotenuse
F. Cone
G. Co-secant
H. Coincide
I. Axiom
J. Polygon
K. Tangent
L. Geometry
M. Circle
N. Arc
O. Unit
P. Hero

Answers: (I've put in some explanatory bits after some of the more obscure answers. Hopefully you'll get it without the explanation, but I put it in just in case. Let me know if there are others I should clarify.) 1N, 2F, 3D(Scent her), 4J, 5M, 6K, 7E(High pot in use), 8H, 9A(This one is probably the biggest stretch: Pup in the cooler), 10P, 11B, 12C(Deck all gone), 13L(My personal favorite, Gee! I'm a tree!), 14I, 15O, 16G(Course he can't!)


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