Status Update

Last month, Steven graduated with his MBA. (Read this post about his graduation if you didn't already.) That was almost a month ago. At that point, he had already had several job interviews, and we were confident that a job wouldn't be long in coming. Our prospects seemed to be looking up. With hopeful hearts we went on vacation, thinking that we would hear back from one or more of those companies soon. We didn't. After we returned home from vacation without hearing from anyone, Steven began contacting the places where he had interviewed. They had decided to hire other people. We are pretty much back at square one.

Last Sunday, feeling depressed, stressed, and a little sick, Steven asked our home teacher for a blessing. We were hoping for comfort - a job would be around the corner. Instead we were told to be patient, to broaden our outlook. We were left with the impression that it would be a while before this unsettling stage in life is over. Steven started applying to companies outside the Denver area.

Meanwhile, stress levels rise. So far, we have been able to pay off our credit card bills every month. Amazingly, we still have something in our bank accounts. It seems like the Bible story of the widow whose cruise of oil never quite became depleted. We've paid a full tithe on what income we've received. We've fasted and prayed. We've gone to the temple searching for answers of what to do, or where to look. We have tried to be obedient to the commandments. We trust that one way or another, the Lord will take care of us.

Through this stressful time in our lives, I've frequently thought of different scripture stories. When it all began, I thought of Peter, climbing out of his safe, secure boat to walk on the water to Jesus. When we've had big expenses to pay, and I've wondered if we will get through this, I remember that even Peter started to doubt when the wind blew and the water became rough, but that Jesus reached out his arm and caught him and brought him back to the boat. As we pay for car repairs and school fees, I frequently think of Gideon, asked to fight the Mideonite hordes, with an army that the Lord kept decreasing until it was a hopelessly small number - the Lord wanted everyone to know that it was He who won the battle for them, not the strength and size of their army. When friends in the ward and stake have given us gifts of food and clothing, I've been reminded of the Israelites wandering in the wilderness, that they too were blessed with manna from heaven, and their clothes didn't wear out.

I trust that the Lord will see us through this. I hope that we will figure out whatever it is that the Lord has in store for us. We would appreciate your prayers in our behalf.


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