Steven Graduated!

About two years ago, Steven started looking into an 11 month MBA program at UC Denver. The more he thought about it, the more he liked it, and we started planning and preparing for him to go. This program was a full time deal, so he wouldn't be able to work while attending school. We paid off a car loan we still had, built up our food storage, and began fixing up the house, realizing that we would have to stay here another few years if we were going to do this. We would save and prepare, apply to school in January, and start school in August, and graduate the following July, 2012.

A bit of a wrench was thrown into our plans when Steven was laid off a week before Christmas 2010. We didn't have all the time we had planned on to prepare for being unemployed, but we still felt good about Steven going back to school, so those plans continued. He applied, was accepted, and finally began school the same day as the kids did in mid August last year. His classes covered marketing, finance, business, accounting, management, and much more. He spent two weeks touring in France and Germany, learning about international business. He made a lot of good friends. He wrote a lot of haiku, posting one on the board each day for most of the 11 months. He worked as the GA, locking and unlocking doors, cleaning up the classroom, making coffee and copies. He wrote papers, did research, worked on projects, made reports.

On July 20th, 2012, Steven graduated, a full fledged MBA. Our family attended the graduation ceremonies and the reception afterwards.

For the last couple months his thoughts have turned to finding a job for after graduation. While he has interviewed with several companies, he is still waiting for an offer. I'm sure one will come soon. The Lord has provided well for us over the last year and a half, and I know he will continue to provide for our needs.


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