Summer is Over; School has Begun

One thing I love about summer break is the lack of set schedules. I don't often have to have the kids up and dressed and ready to go in any hurry. I don't have to keep an eye on the clock to remember to pick them up at the right time. If we plan to go to a park or to the library, we can go when we are ready, and I don't have that rush or pressure to get there at any specific time. It's nice. This week was my wake up call, "Summer break is over!"

On Monday John had to be at school for a full day at 8:15am. Josh and Peter had to be at school for  assessments from 10:30 until 11:30. Hannah had to be at her bus stop at 11:45 for a half day at school starting at 12:15. John came home around 3:30, and Hannah arrived home by 4:30.

Tuesday was the first normal day of school, so Hannah had to be at her bus stop at 7:55, and the boys had to be at school by 8:15. While they were gone, I took boxes to a recycling place, dropped off some clothes at good will, deposited some checks at the bank and went to the library.  I had to be back to pick the boys up at 3:25, and then Hannah returned home around 4:30. We had a quick dinner, and then Steven and I left to attend our stake temple night.

Wednesday the kids again had to be at school at 8:15. I had a headache Wednesday morning so relaxed a little more, but I did made yogurt and pita pockets, and was ready to pick the boys up at 1:55. (They get out earlier than usual on Wednesdays.) Hannah got home around 2:45, and I took her to her viola lesson at 3:30. At 4:00 we returned home to get dinner before scouts and young women that night at 7:00.

Thursday the kids went to school at 8:15. I went Visiting Teaching from 9 until 10, came home to take care of some Primary business, then at 11:45 I went to help at a missionary luncheon which lasted until around 2. I glanced at the clock at 2:55, and for some reason thought the kids got out at 2:55, so rushed out the door to pick them up, only to realize halfway to the school that they don't get out today until 3:25, and I was half an hour early. (Doh!) Hannah arrived home at 4:30, and at 5 we went to a barbecue to celebrate a friend in our ward who just returned home from his mission. I left from that to go directly to a meeting with Elder Lynn G Robbins of the quorum of the seventy for all ward council members from five stakes, which started at 7pm.

Today once again the kids were at school by 8:15. Today will be busy preparing for a camping trip tonight, as well as some trips to the boys' school to observe their Opening Celebration. They get out at 3:25. We plan to pick up Hannah when her school gets out at 3:45 and head north to Wyoming for a camp out with my sisters April and Heather and their families.

One nice thing is that the boys are going to a school that is only a ten minute walk away. I walk with them to school (to make sure they don't stop at the park to play along the way) and I walk to pick them up, and so I finally am getting a little bit of exercise every day.

The kids are enjoying school so far, and I'm sure I'll get used to the return to routines and schedules eventually.


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