Some Thoughts on the Weather

I went outside without a coat today.

"What?" You're asking. "Why would you start a blog with that sentence? What does it matter whether or not you went out without a coat? What is significant about that???"

The point it that it was warm enough that I could go out in just a sweater; I could take a bag of trash all the way around the building to the dumpster, and return to the house at a normal walking pace - all without freezing to death! Last week the temperatures were in single digits, and it wasn't until yesterday, finally, it really warmed up again, reaching the 40s, and snow from a week ago finally began to melt.

This California Girl is grateful for warmth. I'm grateful that our heater is working again. I'm grateful for our water heater. I'm grateful for temperatures in the 40s and 50s that feel oddly warm in the middle of winter (Yes, I realize that it isn't technically winter yet... but it feels like it.)  It's kind of funny... I remember thinking that 60 degrees was cold when I lived in California. Now, I think 60 degrees is barely worth putting on a sweater. Even so, if my choice was between being at 60 degrees and 80 degrees, I'd pick 80 in a heartbeat. I hate feeling cold.


  1. Yesterday here it was -27 degrees with the wind chill. Today I walked the boys half a mile to preschool. I still wore a coat, but not my big heavy one that I've been wearing for the last week. It was only 19 degrees, but it's amazing how warm 19 degrees can feel sometimes.


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