What to do when you are feeling overwhelmed:

  1. Make a list of everything you feel like you have to do. (Sometimes it isn't as much as you think, and seeing it on paper can help you organize your thoughts and get out of panic mode.)
  2. Prioritize your to-do list.
    • What things have a time limit or dead line? Which things can wait a little longer?
    • Which things will take longer to do?
    • Which things involve people you love and care about?
    • Which things need to be "gotten out of the way" so you can concentrate on other things?
    • Which things are "wants" rather than "needs" and can be set aside after more vital things are done?
  3. Organize your to-do list.
    • What errands can be done in one trip?
    • What things can be done simultaneously? (for example, the laundry can be running while you vacuum.)
    • What things can be delegated to other people?
  4. Pick one thing on your list, set the timer for 5-15 minutes (or however long you choose) and see how much you can do in that space of time. You might be surprised! When the timer goes off, take a break if you need to, then set it again.
  5. Beware of time-eating distractions. But also realize that taking care of yourself, and taking care of your spouse and children (if you have them) is not a distraction. 
The holidays can be a stressful, busy time of year. Relax, take a deep breath, and work on your to-do list one thing at a time. good luck!


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