Answers to Two Truths and a Lie

Last week, I started a game of "two truths and a lie." Here are the answers:

1. When I was a child, I
   A. had two imaginary puppies who I called "Penny" and "Copper". (True)
   B. frequently pretended that my bicycle was a horse named "Silver". (False. I may have pretended it was a horse, but I don't think I ever gave it a name other than "Desert Rose" - which was printed on the side.)
   C. enjoyed pretending I was a princess locked in a tower whenever I had to clean the bathroom. (True)

2. Instruments I wanted to learn to play when I was a child included
   A. the harp. (true)
   B. the flute. (true)
   C. the banjo. (false. I think Steven may have wanted to play the banjo at one point in time.)

3. When I was child, the things I wanted to be when I grew up included
   A. a fashion designer. (false. My interest in designing clothes came much more recently.)
   B. an artist. (true)
   C. a teacher. (true)

4. In regards to driving a car:
   A. I didn't received my license until I was 18 years old. (true)
   B. I passed the driving test on my first try. (false. I passed on the second try.)
   C. I never drove a car regularly until after I was married. (true)

5. AP Classes I took in High School for college credit included
   A. Calculus (false. The third AP class I took was English.)
   B. American History (true)
   C. Spanish (true)

6. Jobs I did while a student at BYU included
   A. washing dishes. (true)
   B. hostessing at the D. T. cafeteria. (true)
   C. tutoring at a nearby elementary school. (false)

7. As a missionary in Brazil, I had the opportunity to hold
   A. a monkey. (false. While I saw lots of monkeys, I never got to hold one.)
   B. a baby goat. (true)
   C. a parrot. (true)

8. As a missionary, the most traumatic things to happen to me were
   A. Becoming very sick and not being able to eat anything for several days. (true)
   B. Breaking my wrist playing football on Christmas Day (false. I sprained a finger that day instead.)
   C. Having my MTC companion leave for the mission field a week early. (true)

9. When I worked at Kinko's after my mission, some of my responsibilities when I arrived at 6am included
   A. preparing the bank deposit.(true)
   B. making coffee. (true)
   C. vacuuming. (false. That was done by the night shift before I came in.)

10. When Steven was courting me, he
   A. took me to visit Griffith Observatory. (false. I think he was going to once, but that evening was rainy and we ended up doing something else instead.)
   B. wrote me a book full of love poems. (true)
   C. asked me to teach him to play the piano. (true)


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