Logic Problem #6

Last night, I felt like making another logic problem, but I was out of ideas on what do make it on. The kids suggested I do one on their favorite vehicles. They each came up with some kind of vehicle/way of getting around, along with its color and top speed. Can you figure them out?

  1. The horse is not bright green.
  2. The submacarpter (a cross between a submarine, a car, and a helicopter)can travel faster than Joshua's transport.
  3. John wants neither the airship nor the vehicle that can travel at 500 mph.
  4. Hannah's transport can travel faster than the brown vehicle, but not as fast as the yellow transport.
  5. The teleporter is neither the black transport nor the one Peter wants.
  6. The four transports are: the one that can only travel 10 mph, the horse, John's transport, and the yellow one.
  7. The teleporter can move a person at an amazing 188,000 mps!
  8. The green transport can move faster than the vehicle that only travels at 45 mph.

I'm not providing a chart for this one. Try solving it using a table like this one:


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