Pack Meeting

Last night we went to Pack Meeting. This was our first pack meeting since our ward broke away from combined cub scouts with another ward, so we were still getting the hang of things, but I thought it went pretty well.

We had a gathering activity, a word find with cub scout related words. The boys seemed to enjoy that.

Peter offered the opening prayer and the boy scout troop did the flag ceremony.

Then the boys were given an opportunity to share some of the things they've been learning. I was amazed at how much the current Webelos remembered about the activities we've done this past month!

The two boys who were receiving their Bobcat got to act out a little skit, of going camping and leaving on a hike, and having a bobcat come and fall asleep in their tent (I was reminded of Goldilocks...) and coming back and wrestling with the bobcat and coming out of the tent with their bobcat badges. It was fun for those participating, and for the watchers.

Other awards were passed out. Josh received several pins as well as his Webelos badge and Arrow of Light. We had a cross-over ceremony, where Josh and another boy were able to cross the bridge to boy scouts. They also received real arrows to commemorate their achievement. (I forgot to bring our camera... and since I'm the Webelos Den leader and Steven is the 11-year-old scout leader, we were both standing with Josh at the front anyway. The pictures below were taken with my phone... hence the blurriness.)

Following the awards, the boys got to play a relay game that involved carrying a marshmallow on a spoon held by the teeth and tiptoeing across the room, dumping the marshmallow into a bowl, and then crawling back to the start line. The boys seemed to enjoy it.

Another cub scout offered the closing prayer and then ice cream was served for refreshments while we stacked chairs and cleaned up.

It was a fun activity. I think that breaking off from the other ward and doing cub scouts on our own will be a good thing for our boys. With a smaller group, the boys will get more attention, and those involved in cub scouts in our ward are more interested in making scouting fun. Maybe it is because we are just starting things and we aren't just continuing the same traditions that have been in place for years and years, but we are trying to make things fun and exciting. We have enthusiasm, and I think the boys are picking up on that.


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