Pack Meeting November 2014

Image result for webelos showman pinLast night we had our ward pack meeting. This month, my Webelos have been working on the Showman activity pin, (puppetry, music, and drama) so as part of the agenda, they got to perform a skit that they had written themselves and rehearsed. It reflected their interests: football and rugby. Because we only have two Webelos, Peter and one of the Webelos' little brother also got to participate to round out our cast a little bit.

Also during the meeting, the two bears (Peter and one other boy) ran in at random moments with short run-on jokes like:

"It's all around me! It's all around me!"
"What is???"
"My belt!"

Our family was also responsible for coming up with a game for everyone to play. I had them play a charades relay. I divided the group into two teams and had them face in opposite directions. One person from each team ran to me (in the middle) to get a word, then went back to their team to act it out. When their team guessed the word, the next person on the team came to get a word. The game went fast, since the words I had chosen were fairly easy: (bowl, grapes, bow tie, hot dog, picture frame, ice cream cone, lamp (which ended up being a hard one), guitar, banana, and clock.) I thought it was fun.


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