Pack Meeting November 2014
Also during the meeting, the two bears (Peter and one other boy) ran in at random moments with short run-on jokes like:
"It's all around me! It's all around me!"
"What is???"
"My belt!"
Our family was also responsible for coming up with a game for everyone to play. I had them play a charades relay. I divided the group into two teams and had them face in opposite directions. One person from each team ran to me (in the middle) to get a word, then went back to their team to act it out. When their team guessed the word, the next person on the team came to get a word. The game went fast, since the words I had chosen were fairly easy: (bowl, grapes, bow tie, hot dog, picture frame, ice cream cone, lamp (which ended up being a hard one), guitar, banana, and clock.) I thought it was fun.
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