First Day of School

It was quiet. Too quiet. I could hear boards creak as the fat cat sauntered down the hall. I could hear the neighbors moving around in their condo on the other side of the wall. The computer's fan was extraordinarily loud.

"Did it used to be this quiet?" I asked myself.

"Probably. You just forgot what it was like."

"Huh." I answered.

I finally turned on some music to drown out the silence as I went to work on a sewing project I had been putting off. Engaged in thinking, planning, cutting, sewing, ironing, thinking some more, ripping out seams, and then sewing again, the day passed quickly, and I soon forgot about the silence.

Eventually I set out to collect Peter from school. The other kids had also returned home by the time I arrived back. We quickly settled into normal life again:

"Can I be on the computer?"

"Did you have any homework to do? Are your chores done?"

"Awww, Mom!"

"Can whoever left these dirty socks over here come pick them up?"

"I'm bored."

"What are we doing for scouts tonight?"

"Do I have to pick that up?"

"Can I watch a movie?"

"Whose backpack is this on the floor?"

The house wasn't quiet anymore, and I was okay with that.


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