Joyful Moments

There are some moments
that fill my heart with pure joy.
Thank God for children.

A week ago Sunday, I watched my son Joshua pass the sacrament for the first time. I marveled at the respect and reverence with which he passed the trays. I rejoiced that another member of my family holds the priesthood, and has the power to serve in God's name. 

That same Sunday, after church, Hannah and I were pulled aside by a member of the bishopric, and Hannah was extended the calling to lead the music in Sacrament Meeting. Without a doubt or a qualm, she willingly and happily accepted the call to serve. 

Yesterday, John began teaching Peter how to play "Follow the Prophet" on the piano. Once again I was filled with joy to watch my children sharing their talents, their willingness to serve others.

I understand the apostle John's words when he said, "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth." (3 John 1:4)


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