Spring Break Odds and Ends

 Yesterday I finished crocheting this penguin. He turned out pretty cute, and a couple of the kids have been arguing over who has him.

Yesterday my first Spring flower bloomed. I'm looking forward to having more bright daffodils and tulips around the yard. On Monday, as part of FHE, the family went to Lowe's and picked out some seeds and stuff for our garden. We've got a month or two before we can plant things outside, but we can start some seeds inside now and transplant them when it is warmer outside. I enjoy having growing things around.

The kids have been keeping busy this week with various activities. LEGOs are always a hit, and we've got several cars, houses, and other creations floating around the house along with a ton of loose LEGOs that aren't attached to anything right now.

When they aren't playing with LEGOs, the computer seems to be another favorite. All the kids have enjoyed playing "Escape from Monkey Island" at least once this week. We've also watched several movies, played at a nearby field, read books, made crafts, and walked to a library. For pack meeting on Tuesday, we got to play beach ball volleyball, which was fun.

The kids haven't complained too much about being bored, for the most part. The problem comes when I make prerequisites: i.e. you have to get dressed before you can use the computer, and they want to do the fun stuff but don't want to do the necessary stuff in order to do the fun stuff. It's tough to be a kid.


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