Parent Teacher Conferences

Yesterday was parent teacher conferences at the boys' school.

We started off with the 6th grade teachers:
"Josh is wonderful, such a joy to have in class. He participates, he works well in groups. He is doing great!"
"Josh is doing very well, His test grades are high, and he does good quality work. He needs to work on organization... If he turned in these missing assignments, it would help his grades."
"He is doing great. He makes connections, and participates in class. He does wonderfully when he works on his own, but when he works in a group, he needs to listen to the other group members, and not tell them they are wrong."

Then we talked to Peter's teacher.
We discussed how he hasn't wanted to go to school recently, and figured it might be because he really doesn't like the drills. his teacher suggested he could be the "emergency preparedness specialist" so when there is a fire drill, he gets the emergency notebook, and is the teacher's special helper. I don't know if that will help at all. They have fire drills every month and lock down and tornado drills every quarter... it seems like a lot of drills to me, and Peter hates every one of them.

Other than that, Peter is doing really well academically. He gets along well with his classmates, and he is pretty good about doing his homework.

Peter's teacher showed me a "Getting to know you" paper that Peter filled out at the beginning of the school year. Some of his answers were normal:
     Name: Peter.
     Favorite color: Yellow.

     Others were surprising:
     Favorite book: The Book of Mormon
     Favorite song: Baptism

     My favorite:
     Favorite singer: My mom.

After Peter's teacher, we talked to some of the specials teachers. Peter is doing fine in Gym. Joshua is working hard in Research.

Then we found the 8th grade teachers.
"John is awesome. He needs to let me know what he needs, especially if the work is too easy. Maybe he should read more nonfiction books, because it is hard to find appropriate fiction at his reading level."
"John is doing great. He works really well with some of the students that are less easy to work with. He should try to speak more in class."
"John's math test scores are off the scale. There is only one other child at the school that comes anywhere close to him. He just looks at equations and figures out how they work! I give him extra projects to work on to try to keep him stimulated, but even some of those seem easy for him.

From there we went to the Digital Media classroom because both John and Josh were anxious to show me the computer games they have been working on.
"I think John should become an official members of TSA. (Technology Student Association) so he attend the competitions. The programming he does is so advanced, I definitely think he could qualify in the top three!"
"I love how your children are constantly thinking about how they can change things to make them better. They are awesome!"

Yes, I do have awesome children. I am blown away by how smart they are, and I am grateful every day for how good kids they are.


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