The Problem with Blogging... or Not Blogging

The problem with telling myself that I don't have to blog every day is that I don't. I get into that mind set of, "I don't have to blog today, so I'll write about that some other day..."
   and then that other day doesn't come...
      and a week later I'm scratching my head, "Did I ever write about that?"

Sometimes I put off writing about things because I know that they are going to take a lot of time:
   I'd have to do some research.
      I'd want to take pictures or find quotes.
         I'd have to think about how to say it clearly, so it would make sense.

Sometimes, all I have is some nebulous idea that I'd like to write something about, but in order to actually write a blog about it, I'd have to put a lot more thought into it, and I'm not feeling up to that today...
    especially if I don't have to write a blog today.

Sometimes my brain seems to overflow with thoughts that I could write about:
   Sometimes it is fashion design...
      why don't designers manufacture clothes exactly like this...
         in colors exactly like this?
   Sometimes it is shower thoughts:
      How could/do the labels that others give people change who they really are?
   Sometimes it is to share things that I've been working on:
      I have a gallon sized jar of homegrown sunflower seeds. Here's how I harvested them!
   Sometimes I have concerns that I just want to review in my own mind, and writing a blog about them is a great focusing tool:
      Peter has been telling me he doesn't want to go to school, but I can't figure out why...
         He likes his teacher and classmates, lunch time, science, working with computers and reading.
         He doesn't like emergency drills, and lately he's been complaining about math and art...
         He has a hard time getting moving in the morning, even though we've been working on getting to bed earlier.
Since I've been writing for so long, I find that as the year goes by, I think of something to write about,
   but then I realize that I've already written about it before,
      and my thoughts this year are similar to those of last year.
         You want to know about General Conference? Well, look at what I wrote last year.
            The family traditions (snacks, notes, activities, discussions) are similar.
            The talks and stories told during Conference were different, but a lot of the thoughts I came away with were similar.
            I wonder, is it really worth writing about again...
                 especially if I don't have to write a blog today?

Writing every day kept me in the habit. I wrote something, even if it was something stupid. This is my journal, my record of family history. If I don't write every day, how much of that will be lost, just because I didn't feel like writing that day? And yet, there are so many other things that I want to do with my time. What are my priorities? Where should they be? Does whether or not I write a blog have any eternal significance? Is it serving any important function?

If it's just a journal, I could write, "Went to pack meeting last night. It was fun, and short, which made it really good. Woke up with a headache this morning. Got the kids off to school. Contemplating going back to bed now, but probably won't. City is working on the street outside so the water has been shut off to the neighborhood. I can hear a constant beep, beep, beep, of big trucks backing up, and loud bangs every once in a while. I wonder if I'm going to have to move the van off the street. Still trying to decide what I should do today. Can't do laundry. Should vacuum. Don't feel like doing anything, really. Maybe I should go back to bed. Or there's an Agatha Christie book from the library that I haven't read yet. Come to think of it, I think it's calling my name."

But who wants to read that?


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