Finding time to sew

I wanted to sew today. It is Monday, and Monday mornings are busy with cleaning up from the weekend (I don't do much picking up on Sundays.) Steven painted the master bathroom on Saturday, and so this morning I needed to take down the newspaper around the edges and tidy up in there. The floors throughout the house were also in desperate need of vacuuming, and since I did the shopping for the month on Saturday, I also needed to straighten the pantry and get the food cans in order. (For some reason my kids like to play with the cans, stacking them and who knows what?) So most of the morning was spent cleaning, straightening and vacuuming. I also made Jell-O (Joshua's choice) for dessert for our Family Home Evening tonight and I've got chicken stock simmering on the stove. On top of everything else, John has caught some kind of stomach bug and was throwing up much of the morning.

Finally, about 11:00 I could begin the project I had hoped to do today. I'm using Simplicity pattern 4017 to make a tunic. I actually bought this pattern at the same time as I bought the pattern for my renaissaince dress, but it took me a long time to find a fabric to use for it. I want to do view B, although I'm not sure about all the trim on it. The fabric I ended up buying is a soft beige with a vertical stripe texture to it.

So when the housecleaning and other chores were done I pulled out the pattern and started the process of ironing the pattern pieces, cutting them out, pinning them to the fabric (which I prewashed on Friday) and cutting them out and transferring the markings from the pattern to the cloth. I usually do this on the kitchen table, but today I was trying to watch Superman (the movie) at the same time so I did it on my freshly vacuumed livingroom floor. I had to fight a bit to keep the kids from walking on the fabric, and then I had to try to keep them off my back, but I managed to get the pieces ready for sewing.

Now I've got about an hour to check email, pay bills, and do stuff on the computer before I have to pick up Hannah from school, make dinner and prepare for FHE tonight. John is feeling better and was able to eat a little around lunch time. Peter took a nap and right now the three boys are watching Rollie Pollie Ollie on T.V. I've got my tunic started and life is good.


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